“It’s Fry NOT Fly!


Is something Fly or Fry? My family is fly to me, a bunch of decent looking blondes with good genes.

“Fly” in current urban vernacular refers to something that is hip, sick and cool! It’s about as good as one can get, ‘Oh that boy so fly!’ would mean that he is the coolest thing since mac and cheese. All that AND a bag o chips! He’s fly, as in Bill O’Reilly is NOT fly but Jimmy Fallon, yea, he fly! Or Samuel Jackson be fly but Urkel not so much. No offense Urkel but you catch my drift here.

Fry, yeah. Fry is a whole different thing tho, I can fry some potatoes and have a yummy meal with a slice of beef, or I can fry an egg, or fry when I am just trying for a little suntan or fry sitting on the freeway when the ac goes out in my car. Fry is not fly no matter how you cut it.


This photo of Yosemite Valley, and specifically Horsetail Fire Fall is pretty fly if you ask me. The purples, the gold of the sun shinning off El Capitan, this is a natural wonder I hope to enjoy one day before the end of it all.


When I was 26 and had a boyfriend who was 18, I thought I was fly too, I was skinny for me, and happy to be floating down river, the American River in a huge raft with a bunch of other 18 year olds. Ha! That was pretty fly.

My Taylor

My newish guitar, a Taylor Mahoghany is incredibly fly, but when I dropped it on a concrete floor and smashed the bottom in, it was fried! Luckily I got it fixed for a reasonable price, about $200. which was also fly. I love this guitar, the rich, full sound is lovely and my beating on the thing is almost enjoyable. Its like the damage may of improved the sound, so the result of frying my Taylor made it more fly than it was to begin with and that is really fly.


Finally, our current political climate has gone from fly with Obama to completely fried with trump, to the point that now we could be entering a nuclear phase in which literally EVERYTHING will FRY!

Author: Jillymaui - Travel, Kink, Music, Poly, more

A hopeful romantic, poly kinky bbw, travelin' gal, enjoying the last few decades of my life, I love the wild life, genealogy, SF Giants baseball, swimming, painting, guitars & playing, singing, sightseeing, and writing in my future home.

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